We often know know what or who we fear, yet we hardly face or even talk about them. We live in fear so much that we aren't really "Living". It could be fear of failure ie something you're wanting to do but you don't do it because you fear that what would happen if you'd fail? Fear could be that of Rejection ie you might love someone from the core of your soul but you just won't tell the one whom you love, fearing what if I get rejected? It could that of fear of poverty, that of Loss of Love, Fear of ill health, fear of old age and most importantly, Fear of Death. Whatsoever it is, stop running away from your demons. Everything in this world is created twice, once in the mind and then in the physical reality. Does this mean that our fears too were first created in the subconscious once then in the reality?
Unbelievably, Yes. It also means that if you could just get the "Demons" out of your head, you can oust the fears from the physical reality. Its all in the mind. There's this story, I came across in a very hypnotic and riveting self help book. It said that, there was an Indian Swami or Guru (Teacher) who was along with is student and observed four dangerous wild dogs running towards them. The student was just about to run away but the Guru gestured him to wait there and he(Guru) did something which made the student was jolted and astonished. The Guru stared right through the eyes & ran towards those Wild Dogs! What was even more bewildering was, the wild dogs all of a sudden stopped and changed their course, fled away from the Guru. This is the best best solution, stop running and run towards your fear as early as you can. The more you delay and continue to stay in that feeling although it makes you more comfortable and thus limits your thinking but still you're cool because you're now even certain that you can't do something. But the way you do something reflects in everything you do. So run towards from what you are or were running away. Its Now or Never.
Take Action Now.
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Rohan Khosla

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