Friends how many of you'll have wishes & desires for yourself, your family & your loved ones? All of you'll have it, indeed. But ever thought of having wishes & desire or at least an intention to be kind & help someone whensoever possible? You'll might say, "Yes, I do." But let me tell you that's not always right? We are so busy with our lives, our goals, that we are getting more and more self centered, selfish, greedy and developing a "give no shit" attitude. Why am I being so blunt altogether? Because, you might have helped someone, but not all of you would have, also when it comes to helping someone on the streets, when people are around you, classy and decent people, who just pass by without helping someone not with money but with care and a helping hand, a thought certainly does comes to your mind, but then you replace it with pity and thinking, "What good could I possibly to do to him/her?" Yeah, that's right and you just move on.

Thing is we can't really help everyone in every way but surely can help someone in some or the other way.
OK, so you're thinking, "I don't have enough money that I'd do a charity." Well, why don't you just help your maid with English or something which you think, if learnt could make her even more productive and help her in anyway. You know, you can sponsor a kid for studies or help someone who isn't able to pay their medical bills but wants to live this life, go do something for them.
If not that, you are too busy with your work, just pass on a smile right? Its the least you could do, but you don't know what can just a smile and a helping hand could do. It starts a change altogether, doing certain random acts of kindness, without expectations.
Don't agree, watch this zestful video and open up your eyes, and go be the love. A must watch !
Warning : You might get teary eyes.
If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.
Let me tell you, what happened when I tried to be kind today, my own personal experience :
It was around 8:00 pm, I was on my way back home, I was pretty tired after working for the assignment that I had to submit the next day. I saw this man standing beside the road, one more step he takes ahead on that busy road, and he might end himself getting hurt or even die. I realised, the man was in his late 40's was back from office and was blind, I realised when I saw the stick in his hand. I was standing there, taken aback by seeing how self sufficient and independent this man was! You might say, he's just blind, it happens with many people and feel pity for him. But what I felt was much more than that, it was respect. I have known people around me, friends and family both who are physically and mentally fit but still don't work. Some are even broke. But this guy over there, worked round the clock and was his way back home. A hard worker, indeed.
Why is that that the people who have almost every resources that they need, still are just surviving and not succeeding & someone without almost no or very few resources makes it big? There isn't any drive or motivating factor in their life. Its important to be resourceful than being one with resources.
Gratitude, really? That also struck a cord for being grateful, for having this awesome and perfect body. We never know that these trillions of cells in our bodies are working 24 X 7, 365 Days to keep us alive. We never really appreciate our health and realise how important it is to be healthy until we lose it. We exploit it to the core, but never really take time to vitalise our body or to train it. So take time out of so called busy schedule daily and workout. It could be a heavy workout or it might be one that of a couple of minutes. But trust me, your body is just like vehicle, if you don't maintain it and keep exploiting it, one day it would give up on you and ultimately break down. You wouldn't want that, would you?
Ignorance Is Bliss? Not really. I also learnt while contemplating on this incident that there was hundreds of people walking beside that person, many of them just saw him, many just felt pity on him, and many just ignored and passed as if he wasn't even standing there. Even, I felt that, this isn't my work or duty to help this guy, but then a feeling arose to help and then I couldn't help myself but help him to drop home. I also got a chance to talk to this great guy, he told me that he had a family to support and hence he works even till late, to make ends meet. Great guy and who do you think benefited the most? It was me. I still could feel those high voltage vibrations inside my body after doing so little for him yet feels so great because of it. The joy of giving, be it as small as sharing a smile, it could almost change someone's entire day or the way they perceive things.
For instance, till then the visually challenged guy, must be thinking that the world is unfair to him, he is all alone and nobody to help, but when someone helped him a little, his entire world view could have changed. It really did, he told me he was wrong thinking that there we no good people alive anymore, he chuckled ! I thanked him back and continued for home. What a splendid day it was, helping someone made my day. You might feel happy and joyous when you make a lot of money for yourself or do something, knowing that you're gonna be rewarded. All of these my friends wont last forever, but when you do something for someone who can never pay you back for what you've done, that makes you feel contented. It makes you feel truly fulfilled and sense of bliss!
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