I can't describe you how important words really are! Yesterday, we talked about the massive power of physiology, and I'd told that my next post would be that of "Communication - Internal & External." So here it is, friends I just said that, words are powerful, but what's even more powerful? Yes, the tonality of voice.
Did you know that, the reason behind most of the fights, is actually the tonality of your voice and not actually what you are communicating.
Its more about How you say it rather than What you say it.
For instance, think of the last time, you got into a serious fight with someone, now just change the tonality of your voice, mentally. Lower the pitch, or say it in an amusing way, while you're getting angry. I tried this myself after learning about it and ended up in laughter with the person, I was getting into a fight with. It's really fun and exciting way to turn around the things to your benefit.
Words have unbelievable power, if you know how to use them correctly. The words which you are using every single moment, is shaping your own destiny. Think about great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, his carefully chosen words didn't just made people listen, but put them to action. Mahatma Gandhi wanted India to unite together, and march out the Britishers out of our country. Well, that's sound easy, get some guns, kill some Britishers because they were outnumbered hugely. But, he wanted all this to happen peacefully. To achieve this outcome of his, he used words in a way that not only stopped Indians from killing the Britishers but also made them aware about their true self which is peaceful, calm and serene. He said, "An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole worlds blind." With such words, and his weapon of Satgyagrayha ( Non Violence ) he set the ball rolling. He also said, "Do or Die" which made people to take massive action to lead India to Freedom. Similarly, Martin Luther King used words, "I have a dream." Words can either get the best of you, or make you feel the best. They could either make you feel miserable or make you feel blissful.
However, this is the External Part of Communication. But what's up with Transformational
Vocabulary? How can you use these words to your benefit & put them to action? OK so now, just think of the word, "Chivalry" or "Integrity" do these words make you feel a lot better?
A humongous way to incorporate this vocabulary is by changing your "Shoulds" into "Musts."
For instance, think of something you are unable to do. It could be say doing your homework, or going to the gym because you know you need to lose some weight, finding a new job, making things happen. It could be anything, but the reason why you haven't achieved is that, that you don't want that thing bad enough. You might say, "What are you crazy? I've been trying so hard to get that thing, or achieve those results from so long and you say that I don't want it bad enough?" Well, what I meant by "bad enough" is not the "bad enough" which exists in your dictionary. Bad enough means that, not just wanting but doing all it takes to achieve that, as bad as you want to breath to stay alive. It means that even if I have to put off sleep, I'd to achieve something. That's what "Bad Enough" for me is. There, it always depends upon the frame of your reference. That task of yours is just a "Should."
Here's when your Internal Communication comes in, your internal self talk is more vital than the external one. You haven't achieved that task because you keep on saying to yourself, "I should do this" , "I should lose some weight" , "I should quit my job and find a better one." But you see, this ain't helping right? Now, try saying, "I must do this" or "I must lose some weight" and so on. How does this sound? Replace your Shoulds into Musts for the goal you want to achieve.
Good Word Great Word
I'm feeling I'm feeling
alert energized
all right superb
awake raring to go
comfortable smashing
confident unstoppable
content serene
cool outrageous
curious fascinated
determined unstoppable
energized turbo-charged
enthusiastic excited
excited ecstatic
excited impassioned
excited outrageous
fantastic fabulous
fast ballistic
feeling good cosmically charged
fine awesome
focused energized
fortunate blessed
full replete
fun vivacious
glad over the moon
good better than excellent
great exuberant
great killer
happy jazzed
happy totally blissed
intense laser-like
interested enthralled
interesting captivating
like enraptured
loved adored
loving passionate
motivated driven to
moving forward moving at warped
nice spectacular
no problem happy to
not bad couldn't be better
okay perfect
paying attention focused
perfect extraordinary
This collection of words have been taken from Anthony Robbins, "Awaken The Giant Within."
Use the same system of contacting your three friends to make sure you use these new, powerful,
positive words, and have fun doing it!
Stay tuned for my next post, about the belief systems that are shaping your life, even if you don't know about it.
Stay tuned for my next post, about the belief systems that are shaping your life, even if you don't know about it.
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