We often think about our life and end up blaming people for mistreating us and thinking,"Why is he/she treating me this way?",
"Why don't you understand me?",
"This isn't going the way I wanted it" , "Maybe this would soon be sorted" and statements like that to yourself hoping and wishing that things in your life change and so that you'll be happy soon enough as the things you are hoping for would materialize.
If you are one of them, I'd like to tell you guys
that, You could keep hoping that the people and circumstances would change so
that you be happy, feel the freedom, the sense of love and connection or you'd
take back control of your life from the auto pilot mode. You could either go
with the flow or follow your conscience. The latter won't be easy but would be
worth it. Trust me. Get rid of people that no longer serve you, you may think
that this is being selfish but it isn't, its just not letting anyone or
anything come between you and your happiness. Remember, happiness begins with
you, not with money, not with relationships, not with friends but You alone. So
next time you start complaining about other people not treating you right or
things not going along as you wanted it to be, you are the one responsible. You
are the one who let things go wrong. You'd have gone across the winds but you
didn't just because it seemed uncomfortable and thought it was out of your
reach or capabilities. Stop being being controlled by people who do so little
for you. Be in charge of your own feelings, mind and emotions.
Take 100% responsibility of your Life. Be it Misery or Bliss. When you take full charge of your own life, you wouldn't do anything which would affect your life. You've gotta take care of your own back and keep moving forward. Leave the dead waste and past behind and keep moving forward. Success is yours.
Take 100% responsibility of your Life. Be it Misery or Bliss. When you take full charge of your own life, you wouldn't do anything which would affect your life. You've gotta take care of your own back and keep moving forward. Leave the dead waste and past behind and keep moving forward. Success is yours.
Don't be a victim, be a victor.
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. ~ Henry Ford.
"LIKE & SHARE" if you liked this post.
Rohan Khosla

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